Friday, February 9, 2018

The Wild Places

Sing me a song of the wild untrodden,
Draw me a picture of the quiet night,
Punctured only by thoughts.

Thoughts of the ancient,
Of the old man in his cave, in his den, in his tree, beside the fire
Slow. Slowing. Burning, crackling, hissing. Embers

And all the while, 
The stray thoughts,
The unbidden wisdom of happenstance

Melancholy murmurings
A stirring inside, 
Rip me from this reverie, take me to the wild places

Plant me there
Beside the rocks and grass and mud underfoot,

And rushing water cold. 

Fly Fly

 A great expanse of white, Tiny speckles, little grey spots The wind sweeps past invisible, Everything plain to see, everything hidden away ...